Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cell phone networks

Did anyone else hear anecdotal evidence of cell phone networks being strained on New Year's Eve? The Clarion Content had heard a little bit about it at the time, but over the last several months as we have asked around, more and more folks reported that their text messages lagged many, many hours behind, as everyone sent mass texts to everyone else in their phone, "Happy New Year!"

What does that tell us about the vulnerability of cell phone networks in crisis? How easily can those networks be overwhelmed? Does one need a landline or a CB?


Chris said...

Hey.. if you think about it .. for a moment... texting, texting. need to take a call, whoops need to check out my latest facebook friend....

Clarion Content said...

No doubt, Chris! What if it happened during a crisis of a political, geological or meteorological nature?

Nick said...

Great post much appreciate the time you took to write this.